Mommin' with ME

Mom Guilt Vs. Work Ethic

Creasha Season 3 Episode 25

Hey Everyone!!! Welcome to our Quarter piece episode...or episode 25 if that went over your head! Big Esh is back with us as we discuss "Parent Guilt." As parents, we constantly juggle a thousand things (work, significant others, friends, dating, social life, etc.), so where do our kids fall in all of this? And what do we do with all the guilt we feel for not having as much time to spend with our kids as we would like?  We also talk about expectations of Black women in the workforce (whew...chile!). We wrap the conversation up, trying to figure out how we find a balance between life, parenting, work, etc. Get ready for some lively conversation as we drink, talk, and support each other on Mommin' with Me! ENJOY!